Does all our problem start with expectation?or out of a need?One of my friend said that expectation is the root cause of all the problems...If a person does not expect than he/she will never be indecisive. While another said that expectations should be restricted to only work place, where in one expect a sucessful result as a return to the efforts put forward.
But I think expectation is something that arises out of the word 'need', which is the basis for all relationships. For example, if we take friendship itself, it is born out of a need. A need for someone to be there for you,with whom a person in his/her growing years can share those thought processes or developments through which they can understand a complete different viewpoint of the big bad world outside. A perspective completely different from that of what there family members show.
But when a need is fulfilled, it gives birth to an expectation. So once we have a friend, we expect them to do certain things for us, be at certain places for us and also undersatand and care for us. Which they anyway do most of the times. So what is it that has changed...
Every need has a saturation level. This is not only true in case of non-living things but also human beings. I needed a friend today I got one... Man you are damn lucky.Tomorrow, the need may not be as same as today.Than does it effect status of the relationship. It's tough to say, most people would disagree with it, but I would agree. Because as I have posted earlier everything changes in this world.Nothing is static, or constant. But the survival of every relationship depends upon the time it passes through, the stages it sees.
I believe if you have given your best to anything it will always come back to you with best of results. Do not worry, or be afraid of what happens or changes with time. These are just chapters of events which unfolds as the time passes, and unveils the entire book of life. Thats when we understand the meaning of the word "expectation".
Hey this blog surely seems like one straight from your heart but i think every human can connect to this as they read each line of it, as this the confusion each of us have in life, about expectations and needs and the consequent disappointment or happiness on its fulfillment. Great blog Shraddha!!!
hmmm! im touched! i am relieved, I am happy, i am not incomplete i am satisfied! u play with words as juggler at work, and churn it all up so that every sip of this soup of thought, is relishing and leaves an effect on the tounge of my mind. :)truly commendable shakes-speare!:)
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