
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Friends change the way of LIFE

Is friendship what you share on the social networking sites like facebook or orkut…
Is friendship what you share in college canteens & classroom discussions….
Is friendship what you share at the coaching centres..
Is friendship what you share wid ur pg mates or hostel friends..
Is friendship what you share wid ur drinking partners in the beer bars…
Is friendship what u share at the restaurants, movie hall & shopping centres..

What is friendship???? What kind of relation is this? How did it developed??
Some say friendship is “when your friends support u as your family”
Some say “ when u give sum1 enough knowledge about yourself, to destroy but with the trust he/she will not”
While others opinion that" it is a mutual understanding between individuals who share every aspect of their lives,without any hesistation"
But the question still does not change… what is friendship???

Is it a feeling of loving sumone,or is it being loved by sumone
Is it a feeling of caring for sumone, or being cared by sumone
Is a feeling of helping sumone, or being helped by sumone
Is it a feeling of trusting sumone, or being trusted by sumone
Is it a feeling of sharing happiness wid sumone, or is it just being happy wid sumone

I don’t know, I’m completely perplexed with it. I have had friends in every walk of life, but the meanings were always different. Some were friends to copy notes, share books, share music while others were to go to restaurants, movies and shopping malls..Than came some who wanted to share their hearts but also came some of those who would never think twice before breaking a heart.But when I look back at all those days and sit back nad think few thoughts comes to my mind…
I feel friendship is nothing more than a need of an individual to be with someone who is not his family member and would yet make a difference to the persons life by just walking alongside him/her. The person who will not tell you what is wrong/right, but the one who will tell you how to decide. The person who will not pick you up when you fall but the one who will never let you fall. Not the person who will wipe your tears when you cry but the one who will never let you cry. The person with whom one would not hesistate to share anything in this world. The one who does not make you think twice about what to say and how to say it.
In short a friend is the one who just brings the widest smile on your face when you see him and you don’t even know that you just smiled without any reason….

This article is dedicated to all those who are my friends and also to those who have left me half way.. All are responsible for making me understand the true meaning of the word friendship. They are my real friends.. It is also dedicated to those new friends I have made in the last couple of months…Bcoz they are the ones who would be lucky to get the benefits of what I have learned…